BDS (lond) 1993. United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy’s and St Thomas’
Continuing education
Since 1994 attends numerous courses and meetings internationally Topics covered Aesthetic prosthetics, Implant dentistry, hard and soft tissue augmentation, periodontal plastic surgery. All supplemented by hands on courses and mentoring with cases.
1997 Annual Course by Dr Tidu Mankoo on Aesthetic Dentistry and Implants London UK
2001Annual Course by Dr. Ashok Sethi on Implant Dentistry London UK
2003 7 day Course by Dr. Tidu Mankoo on Aesthetic and Implant Dentistry
2017 Periodontology course 5 days with Prof G Rasperini in Piacenza
Teaching Positions
Hands on composite day courses
Aesthetic courses utilising indirect techniques
Zirconia courses, day programme
Teaching on an annual implant programme in London Uk
2005 to current Topic: Composite; Lectures, topics covered, from adhesion to placement techniques for anterior and posterior teeth. Also whole day programmes for hands on courses.
2005 Composite Aesthetics for the Scandanavian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
2005 Series of independent lectures on use of Zirconia based restorations
2006 Alpha Omega London Chapter – Aesthetic Composites
2006 Welcome to the Future, Symposium in London – Aesthetic Dynamics using Zirconia
2006 Implant course module- Prosthetics in implant dentistry covering soft tissue management through to final abutment and prosthetic restoration(s)
2006 British Dental Association- Zirconia Aesthetic Dynamics
2006 ½ day programme on prosthetics mainly using zirconia based restorations
2006 British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry- Aesthetic composites, UK
2006 British Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry- Aesthetic Dynamics using Zirconia, UK
2006 Turkish Dental Congress: Aesthetic Composites. Istanbul, Turkey
2007 Scandanavian Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, Seefeld Germany, Zirconia Aesthetics
2008 Polish Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, Warsaw , Aesthetic composites
2008 Russia, St Petersburg and Kazan, Aesthetic Composites
2008 World Aesthetic Congress, London UK, Aesthetic composites
2008 British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, UK, Pursuit of Perfection
2008 European Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Florence Italy, Aesthetic Composites
2009 European Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, Gleneagles, Scotland. Aesthetic problem solving
2009 Swedish Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, Halmstad, Sweden. Aesthetic problem solving
2010 Dentsply Friadent World Symposium Hambrug
2010 Hereaus Kulzer World Symposium Rome
2010 British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, UK
2011 Denmark Friadent
2011 USC Los Angeles, USA
2010-2014 Simply Excellence 18 day implant year program
2015 SAED Bergen Norway
2015 Dentinal Tubules
2018 Polish Academy of Estheitc Dentistry- composite bonding lecture Warsaw
2020 Lecture series for Geeking out in Lockdown during Covid 19 Lockdown
2020 Preparation for the MAGDS exam for RCS Edinburgh
Scientific Interests:
Studying adhesive dentistry and its applications in operative and prosthetic dentistry. Continuing to develop predictable protocols in minimally invasive dentistry, by trying to achieve aesthetic harmony without maximizing on biological impact where possible. Implant dentistry
Participation in Scientific Societies
2015 Active member of EAED
2014-2016 President of the British Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry
2007 Affiliate member of the EAED
2005 to current- Full member of the British Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry and also Executive council member
2005 to current- member of the Association of Dental Implantology
2002- to current- founder and co-ordinator of Dentology , a London Based study club
1994 to current- member of the British Dental Association
Working Experience:
Having qualified since 1993 now practice in private dental practice in London since 2000. I have been on numerous private education courses and followed extensive reading to keep abreast of aesthetic and implant dentistry, this has been ever since I qualified. I have been involved with teaching and sharing my clinical experiences since 2002 and which has been of great personal benefit for my growth within the profession but also to educate and inspire others. I have been scientific chairman and Past President of the British Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, this has been a major force in my development in dentistry and also I have extensive experience in organising events, lecturers and ensuring learning outcomes for conferences have been met. This has been fundamental for my role of quality assurance, education and also proved crucial for the implant year teaching program I was involved in for four years.
High end dentistry on a daily basis is my drive and then to share my experiences with long term review and evidence based literature is my driving force to encourage other dentists to achieve their potential and improve their level of dental care.